• Number of the week: 2.2 million

    Gif: Karolina Uskakovych, European Focus.

    2.2 million Poles lived and worked abroad for more than three months during the last year. In parallel, the number of Ukrainian workers is rising in Poland, many replacing the missing Polish labour force.

    Even before the war, Ukrainians came to Poland in large numbers in search of work. Last year there were 1.5 million. After the Russian invasion this number more than doubled.

    Ukrainian workers have become crucial to the Polish economy, which continues to grow, despite skyrocketing inflation.

    Ukrainians coming to Poland are first hired for the lowest-paid jobs, like the Poles when they arrived in west European countries.

    This article is part of the "Migrant workers (not) Welcome?" edition
    A chain of abuses between East and West
    Number of the week: 2.2 million
    Workforce exodus hits the Balkans
    “It is absolutely necessary to regularise workers”
    Racism and the race for labour